European Financial Institutions | EFI



Bank Supervision

Ensuring the Soundness and Safety of the European Banking System

The European Financial Institutions (EFI) plays a central role in supervising the European Union’s banking system, with the aim of ensuring that banks operate in a safe, stable manner and in compliance with established regulations. Banking supervision is essential to preserve the confidence of depositors and to maintain the integrity of the financial system as a whole.

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Our Approach to Banking Supervision

The banking supervision conducted by EFI is guided by three main pillars:

  1. Strict Regulation: EFI establishes and implements comprehensive regulations that all banks within the European Union must follow. These regulations include capital requirements, liquidity standards and corporate governance rules. They are designed to ensure that banks maintain a solid financial base and are able to withstand economic and financial shocks.
  2. Continuous Monitoring: EFI carries out continuous monitoring of bank operations, including the analysis of financial statements, risk assessments and reviews of credit practices. This constant monitoring allows EFI to quickly identify any signs of financial weakness or risky practices that could threaten the stability of a bank or the financial system in general.
  3. Preventive Intervention: When the EFI identifies significant risks or potential problems at a bank, it is prepared to intervene quickly and effectively. This intervention can include imposing corrective measures, such as increasing capital, restricting certain activities or, in extreme cases, restructuring the bank. The aim is to prevent crises before they occur, thus protecting depositors and the wider financial system.

The Importance of Banking Supervision

Banking supervision is vital to the financial stability of the European Union for several reasons:

  • Protection of Depositors: By ensuring that banks operate in a safe and sound manner, the EFI protects the deposits of European citizens, ensuring that their money is safe, regardless of economic conditions.
  • Systemic Stability: Banking supervision helps prevent financial crises that can result from the failure of large banks or the spread of systemic risks. By monitoring and regulating the banking sector, EFI contributes to the stability of the financial system as a whole.
  • Market Confidence: Effective supervision strengthens the financial markets’ confidence in the stability and integrity of European banks. This is crucial to ensure that banks can continue to provide essential credit and financial services to the economy.

International Cooperation and Coordination

The EFI works closely with other supervisory authorities, both within the European Union and globally, to ensure a coordinated approach to banking supervision. This international cooperation is essential, given the globalized nature of financial markets and the interconnectedness of banking institutions.

In addition, EFI participates in international forums and committees that set standards and best practices for banking supervision, contributing to the development of a safer and more resilient global financial system.


Transparency and Accountability

EFI is committed to transparency and accountability in its banking supervision function. We regularly publish reports on the health of the European banking system and the supervisory measures we take. This transparency helps maintain public trust and ensure that our actions are understood and supported by all stakeholders.


The banking supervision carried out by the EFI is a critical function in ensuring the safety and soundness of the European Union’s financial system. Through rigorous regulation, continuous monitoring and preventive intervention, the EFI protects depositors, maintains the stability of the financial system and promotes confidence in the financial markets. We are committed to continuing to perform this function to the highest standard of excellence, for the benefit of all European citizens.